Empower People to Beat Colorectal Cancer

Manage and optimize colorectal cancer (CRC) screenings with PCaaS and your at-home fecal immunochemical test (FIT) kits.

We are committed to achieving the colorectal cancer screening goal of 80% in Every Community.

Let us maintain your inventory of items, assemble and mail the kits to your targeted cohort lists using our patented process.

Request a Demo

FIT kits processed since 2018

Contact us for a free evaluation of your current kitting/mailing process to learn how you could increase screening rates and reduce the cost of postage.

CRC Facts

second leading cause of death crc

2nd leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S.1

survival icon

90% survival rate when found and treated early2

1 in 3 icon

1in 3 people are not up-to-date with CRC screenings3

CRC Self-Test Customer Success

Customer: multispecialty medical group composed of approximately 7,650 physicians, located in Southern California.


Nearly 90% of eligible population screened for colorectal cancer, up from 45%


Saved an average of $300,000 per person in late‑stage treatment avoidance


50-75% CRC screening kit response rate (National avg is 17-20%)